About Flight Test Imagery
Flight Test Imagery is one of the largest, and finest private archive's of flight test images known to exist. It was acquired flying Department of Defense Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation missions over the White Sands Missile Range in Southern New Mexico. The majority of these images have only been seen within the flight test community, and have never been publically displayed before. Each photo has been digitally mastered, restoring each image to its original brilliance for you to experience and enjoy.
About Mike Williams
Is a retired Senior Master Sergeant, and former Flight Test Photographer who spent ten and half years of a twenty-six
year Air Force career in Flight Test. From 1989 to 1995, he was assigned to the 586th Flight Test Squadron at Holloman AFB, NM, a one-deep position supporting all Department of Defense weapons testing over the White Sands Missile Range. Accumulating 883 hours in the air, he was qualified in 28 types of aircraft, operating still, video, and motion picture cameras that ran up to speeds of 2,000 frames per second. During his tenure, he participated in the top Department of Defense test programs that supported OPERATION DESERT STORM, and further developed GPS, stealth, and defensive countermeasure technologies, along with optical and radar guided, hypersonic, and heat seeking missiles for bomber and fighter aircraft, including the tactical and multi-role fighters, the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning.
About Lance Grace
Is a retired Lieutenant Colonel who spent half of his twenty year career as a Flight Test Pilot in the United States Air Force. As one of the first to fly and develop the F-15E Strike Eagle at Edwards AFB, he brought a synergistic philosophy to Holloman AFB, where he became the youngest commander of an active AF flying squadron. Having little backing, Lance created a self-sustaining mission that continues to this day, including all operational and maintenance support for DoD missions staging out of Holloman for tests conducted over the White Sands Missile Range.